Tuesday 1 March 2022

How sites like Facebook, Amazon and Google make money and how you can profit from it?

1. They offer a free service which people want to use. 2. When people visit pages they offer relevant ads which people want to click. 3. For every click in paid ads, they collect money from visitors. 4. But they allow free clicks for relevant information to keep people coming. 5. They have an automatic toll system to ensure the free clicks for relevant information. Now for the second part of the question, how you can profit like facebook, Amazon and Google? The following facts limit people from repeating it. 1. Ultimately they all make huge money from relevant advertisements to the visitors. 2. Not every one can generate free traffic. 3. Many people buy ads to get visitors and hope to make money by selling to visitors. 4. Some people make enough money from paid ad clicks to keep buying ads. 5. How some people keep making money from paid traffic? 6. They provide enough free information to keep visitors interested and try to make money some way from the visitors. 7. Trick is to keep people coming to your site and you send them on to right pages. An example will expain this better. You are travelling in an Expressway. A toll position comes up. To go further, you pay the toll and keep moving. Trick is to create such toll positions, where you can collect money easily with very low cost. Are you interested in creating your own toll positions to make money easily? Try this $1 trial What you get? 1. One email from me every week every friday. 2. You will get relevant information on simple ways to make money. 3. You can quit from emails whenever you do not want any more emails. How to ensure you are not selling me email and sending me spam? Create a new email and subscribe with just $1 one time. If you do not like the emails, you can just stop logging in. Is there an upsell? Yes relevant emails for $9 a month recurring. What is the benefit of buying the upsell? 1. You get relevant emails every friday. 2. You also get a free email with link for download of relevant information pdf every month. 3. You will get extra free pdf during some random weekly emails. 4. Once a month you can send an email to me with questions on how to improve your toll position. 5. Of course you can stop it any time.

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